Monday, December 17, 2012

A measure of Human Potential

In an age where individual human value is based on income power and that of a country by the amount of monetary transactions produced, attention to the human experience is too often lost. Psychological awareness has been on the increase of late, but even though most people would stand with the idea that prevention is better than cure, too few policies cater to the mental health of individuals.

Fast forward the train of thought from Economics, to social policies, to education and one should arrive to the conclusion that a lot of the designs we live in set the majority of us for failure, even those who have achieved success are faced with a reality that nothing is ever really enough, and that our Economics is that of instability. We are constantly bombarded with labels that dictate how we feel and value ourselves, our time, our interactions and everything else that we experience. School is a place where we learn how smart we are, society is a place where we learn our value to other individuals, and work is where we learn how much value we have to the Economy, and unfortunately, more and more, the Economics of money has invaded all three regions, so much so that true value may always be equated with monetary income. The tag of being unemployed is crippling, the idea of purchasing power is intoxicating, the hunt for stability and security more and more becoming a wild goose chase. History tells us of tales of men taking back choice when they were given none. Revolutions often occur when the multitude yearns for empowerment from oppression. I ask that we start a peaceful revolution within our minds. Let us take our attention from all the negativity and depressing thoughts, and turn them towards progress.

What is Rperspective?

The greatest power humans have is attention. Let us use that power to free ourselves from design tyranny and focus on the only things that we truly have power over, our perspective. As experience occurs and a raw perspective is form. An emotion coupled with thoughts, those of us who pay great attention to this may notice the "animal" like qualities of the the raw perspective. Informal and formal education have taught us that impulsive actions based on the raw perspective are likely to be poor choices compared to a actions that are based on reasoning or design thinking based on knowledge and progressive experience.

An Rperspective will have the following qualities. It is;

* event inspired (real life situation)
* strong emotional response (distressing)
* invokes thoughts of confusion (chaos)

The Rperspective count determines the number of instances a person has been aware of having made an Rperspective. This value functions as a measure to the awareness of a person towards a Pmargin process.

I.E. Today I counted four event inspired events wherein  I felt strong emotional distress (1. Home management related event 2. Noise pollution related event 3. Stranger/ personal space related event 4. Lost of important possession event)  all of which  invoked thoughts of confusion. My Rperspective score would then be 4.

Why count Rperspectives?

Counting RPs is a good strategy of regulating decision making as well as one's emotional outlook at life in general. It shifts focus from the event towards a person's reaction, from being powerless to empowerment. A low count reflects poor awareness. A higher count means an increase opportunity for making Iperspectives and generating higher Pmargin scores.

*Natural Calamity

What is Iperspective?

This second perspective is what I would call the initial perspective. An initial perspective has many qualities that make it distinct to a raw perspective, they are intent and understanding of design.

* The location of "need" or "problem" within the event that caused the Rperspective
* The conscious choice to move from distress to the "thinking state"

Understanding of Design
* The analysis of "need" or "problem"
* The location of an interpersonal design (i.e. attitudes or profiles)
* The location of parallel external designs or systems

The Iperspective count reflects the number of instances a person has been able to form Intent and Understanding of Design towards the Rperspective.


Home Management Related Event
Problem- Personal Time and Human Resource Management
Analysis of Problem - Event occurs due poor sleeping habits
Design Involve- Sleep and Waking Patters, Morning Routines, Attitudes- Caring, Enthusiasm

Noise Pollution Related Event
Problem- Reaction to infant crying
Analysis- Personal mental state reactive to infant crying, lack of knowledge of problem,
Design Involve- Reaction Routine strategies such as checklists, focus or attention management
Attitudes- Empathy, Caring and Enthusiasm

Stranger/ Personal Space Invasion

Problem- Reaction to excessive physical contact/ invasion of personal space
Analysis of Problem- Use of confrontation verbal and nonverbal language
Designs Involve- Conflict Resolution/ Anger Management
Attitude- Caring, Empathy, Communicator

Lost of Personal Possession

Problem- Break down in personal item organisation
Analysis- Impulsive decision making effecting break in organisational habit
Design Involve- Personal Organisational Routine
Attitudes- Appreciation, Principled

My IP count would be 4.

Why count IPs?

IP counting is a progressive and proactive way of transforming Rperspectives into positives. It promotes  a problem solving attitude and encourages continuous development of personal processing of RPs.

Pmargin Plans

PMPs are personal plans that one make to tackle the problem or needs brought about in the IPs. From the understanding of both the external and interpersonal designs as well as the nature of the problem, an action plan is formulated.

PMP scores reflect the number of plans derived from the IPs. One IP can only have one PMP. The idea behind this is for simple 1 to 1 correspondence between reflection and plan. It also encourages the user or the actor to integrate multiple strategies into one action plan.


Action Plan 1: Focus personal resources towards the completion of Home Maintenance Task. Reflect on needed attitudes before ensuing in task to ensure focus.
Action Plan 2:  Verbal expression of attitudes communicated towards child as a form of self-prompt. Focus on verbal and nonverbal communication of being caring. Improve knowledge on possible reasons for child crying behaviour.
Action Plan 3: Improve awareness of stages of conflicts and strategies for conflict resolution.
Action Plan 4: Improve awareness of events that promote "impulsivity!"

My PMP score would be 4.

Null perspective

Nperspectives are those IPs that one has to forget or invalidate based on their personal analysis of the problem or need, in that they are;

* Naturally occurring disasters
* Biologically or Psychologically irreparable damage
* Time or space impossible to correct

Although there are no physical action plans possible for NPs, a new IP should be made that caters towards mental reparation. A NP would have a positive value only if a new IP is successfully made.

i.e. My NP score would be zero because I did not have any IPs that did not require any PMPs.

Success Perspective

An SP occurs when one realises that a Pmargin Plan had been directly responsible for a positive change in targeted event itself. There are really no words to perfectly describe that satisfaction when one realises that he or she has been successful at making a positive change towards something that he or she deems important. The feelings as well as the thoughts that come with empowerment, hope, exuberant humanity, those are only a few of the words that simple me could come up with, I am sure you will do a lot better.

The measure for an SP is called Pmargin and always have a positive value. The process of making RPs, IPS, PMPS are cyclic until success is achieved.

i.e. Though I do not have Pmargin scores for the PMPs that I made today, I do have three points for those that I made yesterday. I will not relay what they are for they of the intimate kind, and I have yet found the right words to make them less personal, but I guess this is the point of RPs, IPs, PMPs and Pmargins, individually we are all at different stages of our lives, tackling different worries and faced with different disasters, but just as other global statistics have power to lift  us up, (lately more down than up) so to I aim to lift a couple of hearts up by showing that our personal struggles do matter and that empowerment is just around the corner.

Last Notes

The challenge of writing RPs, IPs, PMPs and rerporting Pmargin experiences is the language that is used to do so. The intentions are that the language is design or behaviour based, non-personal but information rich. In itself, this exercise I thought could be one of the most enriching part of the whole Pmargin experience as it is a constant challenge of experience and language reflection. What happened? How do I say it in a way so that I can target behaviours or factors that I can effect? By asking ourselves, "How do I report into seemingly neutral language my most emotional experiences?" unconsciously we have already empowered ourselves by being able to step out of our shoes and think of a greater good than that of our own profit.

The rules of of Engagement

We are only in charge of our own perspectives! Share only your own RPs, IPs, PMPs and Pmargin experiences and always as a third person. Our goal is to inspire hope for everyone not just for ourselves!

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